Wednesday, May 16, 2012

My New Best Friend

I'm a huge fan of public transportation since I don't need or use it in California, so the Tokyo Metro is going to become the most important tools for me to be able to see as much as this city as I can. It doesn't hurt having the entrance to the Roponggi N5 line in the basement of the building I'm staying in, Oakwood Apartments. Understanding this map and where I am and where I'm going will be key. I've printed a copy of this to take with me since it may be difficult finding an English copy of this posted on any walls.

First stop today, the popular Ginza district. So the plan is take the elevator down 23 floors to the metro, board the N line and take it to N6, transfer onto the M line and take that to M16. Key word there is plan, no idea if this will be easy or difficult. Either way, it's an adventure.

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